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  • Gameplay
    Players make pairs sitting in front of each other. Each pair shares the extra monster zones and the columns. Turn rotation moves clockwise. Priority sequence moves clockwise, starting from the turn player. The player going last in turn rotation gets the first battle phase of the game. If a player is removed from the game: Sitting positions are not changed; All their unresolved effects within the chain and cards they own will be removed from the game (except to tokens); Any cards owned by other players will return to their opponents respective zone or sent to the grave if it is not possible.
  • Banlist
    There are currently no banned cards. That means you can use cards that are banned in the TCG/OCG. You still have to follow the restrictions of the “Deckbuilding” section.
  • Domain
    A Deck Master’s Domain includes the following items, based on the Deck Master itself or mentioned in its effect: Specific cards directly named (only the cards themselves) Archetypes (including those belonging to mentioned cards) Attributes (e.g. Fire, Dark) Monster Types (e.g. Warrior, Dragon) A monster belongs to a Domain if it matches at least one of these.
  • General Errata
    “Neither player” becomes “No player”; “Each player” and “both players” becomes “All players”; Continuous effect applies to all players/cards that meet the requirements (if any). For effects requirements that state “your opponent”: When the condition doesn’t affect their resources, only one opponent needs to fulfill it. Ignition / Trigger effects need to target an opponent on activation. Triggers have to target the opponent(s) that met its requirements. For effects with resource manipulation between players (eg. “Creature Swap”), each player performs the action in turn order starting with the turn player.
  • Deck Master
    Your Deck Master (DM) starts in the Deck Master Zone (DMZ), a separate area from the field, hand, graveyard, and similar. While the DM is in the DMZ: It cannot activate nor apply any of its effects. It cannot be targeted or affected by other cards. A DM can leave the DMZ only through the following methods: Being Normal / Tribute Summoned or Set; Using its proper summon mechanic (fusion, synchro, xyz, link); If it is a main deck monster, it can be pendulum summoned; If it is a main deck pendulum monster, it can be activated as a pendulum spell; Using its non-activating summoning method. After the DM moves to a different zone (except when being summoned), all effects are resolved, and just before the game state is open, each DM’s owner must decide whether to keep it in the new zone or return it to the DMZ. Summoning your DM from the DMZ again costs an additional 500 LP for each time it has returned to the DMZ.
  • About
    This is a quick reference for the rules when playing Domain Format, serving as a introduction. If you have any doubts or would like a complete and more detailed explanation of each rule, visit the other tabs.
  • Deckbuilding
    1 Deck Master; 60 cards Main Deck; Up to 15 cards Extra Deck; There can be only one copy of each card in your Main and Extra Decks; All monsters in your Decks must belong to the Deck Master’s Domain.
  • Banlist
    There are currently no banned cards. That means you can use cards that are normally banned in the TCG/OCG; Your deck still has to follow the restrictions described in the Deck Building section.
  • Rules
    Each player must have: 1 Deck Master; It can be any main or extra deck monster; See the Deck Master Mechanics section for more details. 60 cards Main Deck; The DM is not included in this count; The deck must be exactly 60 cards. Up to 15 card Extra Deck; The DM is also not included in this count. There can be only one copy of each card through the Deck Master, Main and Extra decks; This rule still applies for cards with effects that reference themselves; Eg. You can only play one copy of Destiny Hero - Malicious. This rule still applies for cards with “always treated as.” Eg. If you have one copy of Umi in your deck, you cannot have A Legendary Ocean or Pacifis, the Phantasm City in it since they are all always treated as “Umi”. You could still include Sea Stealth II since it only changes name while on the field or GY. All cards in the Main and Extra Deck must be within the Deck Master’s Domain. See the "Domain" section for more details.
  • Definition
    A domain is the card pool available for you to build your Main and Extra Decks, determined by your deck master. A monster is considered to be within the Deck Master’s domain if: It is directly mentioned in the DM’s effect; Eg. Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous effect directly mentions Fallen of Albaz on its effect, so Fallen of Albaz is within its domain. It belongs to the same archetype as your DM or mentioned in its effect; The Japanese archetype definitions and card names are used for considering which archetypes your DM belongs to. Eg. Most of the “Monarch” monsters don’t belong to the “Monarch” archetype, since in Japanese they use different characters between the monsters and spells/traps. Reminder text “This card is not treated as” is ignored for this case. Eg. Cyber-Stein does not have the “Cyber” archetype within its domain. The base archetype is always used when defining the domain; Eg. Destiny HERO - Malicious belongs to the “Destiny Hero” archetype, so the entire “Hero” archetype is within its domain. If the DM belongs to more than one archetype, they are all considered to be within its domain; Eg. Dark Magician Girl has both the “Dark Magician” and “Magician Girl” archetypes within its domain. If the DM directly mentions a monster that belongs to an archetype, that archetype is considered to be mentioned and it’s within the domain. Eg. Chronicle Magician has both the “Dark Magician” and “Blue-Eyes”archetypes within its domain. It is the same attribute (Water, Fire, Light…) as your DM or that is mentioned in its effect; This also includes attributes mentioned in token definitions inside the DM’s effect. It is the same monster type (Warrior, Fiend, Zombie…) as your DM or that is mentioned in its effect. This also includes types mentioned in token definitions inside the DM’s effect. The following items are considered to be part of all domains and can be used in any decks: Spells and trap cards; Divine attribute and Divine-Beast monsters. The following items are not considered when defining a domain, even if mentioned in its effects: Abilities (eg. Spirit, Gemini, Flip); Monster card types (eg. Ritual, Fusion, Synchro); Monster’s levels, link, rank, or scale; Specific ATK/DEF stats; Card Series.
  • Examples of Domains
    Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice Is a Light Fairy; Belongs of the “Voiceless Voice” archetype; Mentions Warrior and Dragon in its effect. Meaning that if a monster: Is Light; or Is a Fairy; or Is a Warrior; or Is a Dragon; or Belongs to the “Voiceless Voice” archetype; or Is Divine or a Divine Beast. They are inside Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice’s domain. Additionally, you can use any spell or trap cards since they are always included in the domain. Chronicle Magician is a Dark Spellcaster; While its english name has “magician,” it does not belong to the “Magician” archetype due to its japanese name; Mentions Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon in its effect, but since both of these monsters belong to an archetype, we take the entire “Dark Magician” and “Blue-Eyes” archetypes. Meaning that if a monster: Is Dark; or Is a Spellcaster; or Belongs to the “Dark Magician” archetype; or Belongs to the “Blue-Eyes” archetype; or Is Divine or a Divine Beast. They are inside Chronicle Magician’s domain. Additionally, you can use any spell or trap cards since they are always included in the domain.
  • Returning to the DMZ
    The Deck Master can be returned to the Deck Master Zone under a specific condition and timing: Condition: The DM must have changed zones at least once since the last open game state, with the exception of being summoned; “Moved zones” as in being sent from the field to the GY, being shuffled into the deck from the GY, being banished from your hand and so forth. Changing columns (eg. Senet Switch) does not count as “Moved Zones.” If your DM is attached as material or placed in the S/T Zone from the Monster Zone, this is not considered to have moved zones since they are still on the field. Eg. If your opponent uses the effect of Number 101: Silent Honor ARK to attach your DM, it is not considered to have changed zones. Eg. If your opponent uses the effect of Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye to place your DM from the field to the S/T Zone as a Continuous Spell, it is not considered that it changed zones. If your DM in the GY is summoned by an opponent by card effect (such as Monster Reborn), you do not get the option to return it to the DMZ, even if previously changed zones. Eg. Your opponent uses the effect of Toadally Awesome to negate the effect of your DM, destroy and set it. Although it was destroyed (and moved from the field to the GY), since it was also set to the opponent’s field, you do not get the option to return it. Timing: Right before the game state is open once again, after all chain effects have resolved and no new chain has been created (check the diagram below), each duelist may decide whether to put their DM back or keep it where it is. This is decided following turn order, starting from the turn player. If the DM is not returned, it cannot be moved afterwards unless it changes zones once again. Eg. You decide to leave their DM on the GY. Later on that turn, your DM is still on their GY but they want it to be on the DMZ. It is now too late to put it back and you will need to make it change zones again (eg. be shuffled in the deck or banished) to get another opportunity to return it. Only the DMs that changed zones may be returned. Eg. If only your opponent’s DM has been sent from the field to the GY, only that opponent may return their DM. All chain effects must be fully resolved and no new chain must be created before the DM(s) are returned. Eg. Consider that Sangan (your DM) is moved from the field to the GY. This causes its effect to trigger, starting a new chain, so you can’t return it yet. After resolving it, if no other player activates an effect, you will have the option to return your DM to the DMZ. Eg. You activate Pot of Avarice targeting 5 cards in your GY, one of them being your DM. When resolving the chain, you will shuffle the 5 cards (including the DM) then draw 2 cards. After that, if no other other player activates an effect, you will have the option to return your DM from the deck (or hand, if you drew it) to the DMZ. The option to return your DM to the DMZ cannot be negated or interrupted. Returning your DM does not start a chain. If returning your DM triggers a card effect, that effect can be activated and will start a new chain. Apart from this case, no other effect can be chained to it. Eg. If you return a DM from the GY to the DMZ and another player controls Exosister Elis, that player can trigger its effect to XYZ summon.
  • Summoning from the DMZ
    A DM can leave the DMZ only through the following methods and any “from the hand” or “from the extra deck” clauses are ignored only for these cases: Being Normal / Tribute Summoned or Set; This doesn’t apply for DMs that can’t be normal summoned; Eg. You cannot normal summon Ghostrick Mummy from the DMZ if you don’t control another “Ghostrick” monster (You could still set it). Eg. You cannot normal summon an extra deck monster from the DMZ. Effects that perform normal summons are also valid. Eg. You can normal/tribute summon your DM from the DMZ using the effect of Ultimate Offering. Eg. You can normal summon your DM from the DMZ without paying tribute(s) with the effect of Mausoleum of the Emperor. Using its summon mechanic (fusion, synchro, xyz, link) or an effect that is considered a proper summon; Eg. Underworld Ritual of Prediction can ritual summon your DM from the DMZ if it is a “Prediction Princess” ritual monster. Eg. Instant Fusion can fusion summon your DM from the DMZ if it is a level 5 or lower Fusion monster. Eg. Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos can XYZ summon your DM on top of a “Number” monster you control (if the rest of its conditions are met). If it is a main deck monster, it can be pendulum summoned; Unless your DM has restrictions on being Special Summoned. Eg. You cannot pendulum summon The Tyrant Neptune from the DMZ. If it is a main deck pendulum monster, it can be activated as a pendulum spell; Using the DM’s non-activating summoning method. Eg. Jester Confit can be special summoned from the DMZ since its summon doesn’t activate an effect. Eg. Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon can be special summoned from the DMZ by revealing a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in your hand since its summon doesn’t activate. Eg. ABC-Dragon Buster can be special summoned from the DMZ by banishing its materials from the field or graveyard. The following are not valid ways to summon your DM from the DMZ: Using a effect that special summons from the hand, deck, extra deck or similar and therefore not considered a proper summon; Eg. You cannot summon your dragon DM from the DMZ with the effect of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. Eg. You cannot summon your DM from the DMZ with the effect of Waking the Dragon even if it is an extra deck monster. Using its own activated effect; Eg. Bystial Magnamhut cannot be special summoned from the DMZ since its effect activates. It can still be tribute or pendulum summoned. Setting it in the S/T Zone. Eg. Artifact Scythe cannot be set in the S/T zone from the DMZ. It can still be tribute or pendulum summoned to a main monster zone. When summoning an extra deck monster from the DMZ: If it is a non-link monster, it can be placed in either the Main Monster Zones or the Extra Monster Zone; If it is a link monster, it must be placed in either an Extra Monster Zone or a Main Monster Zone that a Link Monster on the field points to.
  • Cost to summon
    To summon (or activate) your DM from the DMZ, you must pay an cumulative cost of 500 LP for each time it has returned to the DMZ: The first time it leaves the DMZ you don’t pay anything, the second time it costs 500 LP, the third 1000 LP and so on; This is considered cost and interacts with other cards or effects; Eg. Masterking Archfiend’s effect can trigger after paying LP to summon your DM from the DMZ. Eg. You can activate your main deck pendulum DM from the DMZ without paying LP if you have Spell Economics face up on the field. This cost is only paid if your DM is leaving the DMZ; Eg. If your DM is added to your hand, you don’t have to pay any additional cost to summon it from there. Paying this cost does not start a chain.
  • Definition
    Your Deck Master can be any monster card. It cannot be a spell or trap card. The Deck Master starts in the Deck Master Zone: The official position for the DMZ is in the center below the S/T zones, but any placement can be used as long as it is separated from other zones and clear for all players; Eg. The left or right of the Extra Monster Zones are regularly used. The DMZ is its own zone on the board and it is not considered to be the hand, field, GY and so forth. Similarly, The DM is not considered to be in one of these zones while on the DMZ. You cannot discard nor tribute your DM while it is in the DMZ (or similar). See below for the valid methods for your DM to leave the DMZ. While the DM is in the DMZ: It cannot activate nor apply any of its effects; It cannot be targeted or affected by other cards.
  • Turn proceedings
    During the game: Each player starts with 5 cards in hand; Each player draws on their first turn; If it’s a two player game, the first player doesn’t draw on their first turn. Turn rotation moves clockwise; The player going last in turn rotation gets the first battle phase of the game; Responding to chainable effects follows the turn order; Eg. Consider 4 players: A, B, C, D. Player A activates a chainable effect. Player B is the first that can respond to it. If they decide not to, then C may respond. If C activates another effect, then D is the first to be able to respond to it, then A, then B. If no other effect is activated, the chain is resolved normally.
  • Team Battle
    When dueling between teams, some additional definitions apply: Before the start of the game, the players will be split into teams; Each player starts the game with 8000 LP; When all players remaining in the game are on the same team, they win the duel. Your teammates are still considered opponents for card effects; You can still declare an attack or target them with card effects. Turn rotation alternates between teams and proceedings with that team’s turn order; Considering 2 teams (A and B) the turn order would go: A1 → B1 → A2 → B2 → A1 → B1… If player A1 is removed, the turn order would change to: B1 → A2 → B2 → A2 → B1 → A2… Considering 3 teams (A, B and C), the turn order would go: A1 → B1 → C1 → A2 → B2 → C2 → A3 → B3 → C3 → A1 → B1… The last player from the last team will have the first battle phase.
  • Player positioning
    During Domain games, players sit around in a table: If there’s an odd number of participants, one player won’t have anyone facing them; Placement around the table may either be determined through a random (eg. dice roll) or arbitrary method, as long as the it is accepted by all players; Only the player sitting in front of you (if any) matter for the purpose of sharing Extra Monster Zones, Link Arrows, columns and so forth. Eg. For the special summon of Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall, you only count thecards in the columns of the player in front of you. When a player is removed from the game, the other players remain where they are. That means the fields are not moved to face a new opponent.
  • Removing players from the game
    When someone leaves: All unresolved cards on the chain are removed without being resolved; Eg. Player A activates Compulsory Evacuation Device targeting Player B’s monster. In response, Player B chains Secret Barrel targeting Player A. Secret Barrel resolved, reducing Player A’s LP to 0. Since Player A was removed from the game, Compulsory Evacuation Device will not resolve and Player B’s monster will remain on the field. Any cards they own are removed from the game (with the exception of Tokens); Eg. Player B uses Monster Reborn to revive a monster from Player A’s GY. If Player A is removed from the game, that monster is also removed from the game. Eg. Player A special summons Mithra the Thunder Vassal effect and special summons a token to Player B’s field. Even if Player A is removed from the game, that token will remain on Player B’s field. Any cards owned by other players will return to their respective zone or sent to the grave if not possible; This action cannot be responded to; Eg. Player A uses Monster Reborn to revive a monster from Player B’s GY. If Player A is removed from the game while controlling that monster, it will go to Player’s B field. If all main monster zones are used in Player’s B field, it will go to the GY instead. Cards that have already been resolved will still affect the player for its remaining turns. Eg. Player A resolves Eradicator Epidemic Virus targeting Player B. Even if Player A is removed from the game, Player B still has to destroy all cards of the declared type until the end of their third turn. Any lingering effect that would last until that player’s turn (or similar) will keep the same duration as if the player was still playing. Eg. A player activates Heat Wave and is removed from the game before their next Draw Phase. The effect will persist as if that player was still playing, lasting until the start of the next player’s turn.
  • Conditions with “your opponent”
    If an effect states “your opponent” on its condition, only one player has to fulfill it: If they don’t affect a player’s resource, you apply the effect as normal; Eg. To be able to special summon Cyber Dragon, you must control no monster and at least 1 opponent must control a monster; Eg. For the effect of Odd-Eyes Advent, if at least one opponent controls 2 or more monsters and you control no monsters, you can send “Odd-Eyes” monsters from the Extra Deck to the GY. If they affect a player’s resource, they must target whoever fulfills the condition (akin to trigger effects). Eg. When activating Nibiru, the Primal Being, you need to target a player who summoned 5 or more monsters this turn. All monsters on all fields will be tributed and the token will be summoned to the targeted player’s field.
  • Ignition Effects
    If an ignition effect states “your opponent”: In most cases, you will target an opponent on activation and only affect that opponent; Eg. Raigeki becomes: “Target an opponent: Destroy all monsters that opponent controls.” Meaning you will need to target which opponent will have all their monsters destroyed. Other players other than the target one will not be affected. Eg. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier becomes: “When this card is Synchro Summoned: Target an opponent; You can banish up to 1 card each from that opponent's hand, field, and GY. (The card in the hand is chosen at random.)” Meaning you have to target from which player you will be banishing 1 card from their hand, field, and GY. Keep in mind you just target which opponent will be affected, not which cards. If it depends on a variable during resolution of the effect, it will not target an opponent. Eg. Since Dangerous Machine Type-6 effect depends on a dice roll during resolution, it will not target an opponent. Its 2 and 4 effect results become, respectively: “2: Make an opponent discard 1 card.” “4: Make an opponent draw 1 card.”
  • Trigger Effects
    If a trigger effect states “your opponent,” you will need to target an opponent(s) who met the trigger’s requirements: Eg. Mirror Force becomes: “When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Destroy all Attack Position monsters that player controls.” Meaning you must target the player who declared the attack and only that player will have their monsters destroyed. Keep in mind that they don't have to attack the controller of Mirror Force in order to be able to activate it;
  • “Your opponent wins the Duel”
    These effects are changed to “you lose the duel”: Eg. Relay Soul becomes: “Special Summon 1 monster from your hand. While it is face-up on your field, you take no damage. When it leaves the field, you lose the Duel.”
  • Effects with “player,” “each,” or “both”
    If an effect states “Neither player,” it becomes “No player”: Eg. If Archlord Kristya is face up on the field, none of the players may Special Summon. If an effect states “Each player” or “Both players”: In most cases, it will become “All players”; Eg. When resolving Dark World Dealings, all players draw 1 card then discard 1 card; Eg. When resolving Zaborg the Mega Monarch, all players have to send cards from their Extra Deck to the GY. If it performs resource management across multiple players, each player will apply the required action on the next player following turn order. Eg. Consider four duelists playing: A, B, C, D. To resolve Dragged Down into the Grave: All players will reveal their hands; Player A will choose a card from Player B’s hand, Player B from Player C, C from D, and D to A; Each player will discard their chosen card. Eg. Consider four duelists playing: A, B, C, D. To resolve Creature Swap: Each player will choose one monster they control; Player A will give their chosen monster to Player B, Player B to Player C, C to D and D to A. Other examples of cards with similar resolution: Exchange; Gift Exchange. If an effect states “Each field,” “Both GYs,” or similar: In most cases, it will become “all fields,” “all GYs,” or similar: Eg. To activate Ret-time Reviver Emit-ter, you must target 1 monster on each field. If a player doesn’t control a monster, you can’t activate its effect; Eg. To tribute summon using Tribute Burial, you must banish 1 monster from all GYs; Eg. To get the protection effect from Fossil Fusion, you have to banish monsters from all GYs. Currently, this is only possible when there are only two players alive in the game, since all “Fossil” fusions only require two materials. However, you can still fusion summon normally without getting the protection. If the effect states a number of cards to be target or special summoned on the field (or similar), one of these cards must be placed on the field of who activated the effect: Eg. When resolving Interrupted Kaiju Slumber, you must place 1 kaiju on your field and 1 on an opponent’s field of your choice; Eg. When resolving the effect of Centur-Ion Primera Primus, you must destroy 1 card on your field and 1 card on an opponent’s field of your choice.
  • Continuous effects
    Regarding continuous effects: Will apply to all players/opponents in most cases; Eg. While Skill Drain is active, all face-up monsters on all fields will have their effects negated; Eg. Destiny HERO - Plasma will negate all face-up monsters on the all your opponent’s field; Eg. Ultimate Conductor Tyranno can attack all monsters from all your opponent’s field once each; The same happens on cards that apply similar effects, such as Diffusion Wave-Motion. Eg. A Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon fusion summoned using a pendulum summoned monster will be unaffected by all your opponent’s card effects. The same happens on cards that apply similar effects, such as Dark Magic Expanded. Eg. No opponent can activate cards or effects in response to Borreload Dragon’s quick effect. If it has a condition, it will apply to all players/opponents that fulfill that condition. Eg. Aromage Bergamot makes so all your plant monsters only deal piercing damage to opponents whose LP are lower than yours; Eg. Your Psychic End Punisher will be unaffected by activated effects from opponents whose LP are higher than yours.
  • Additional examples
    Evilswarm Exciton Knight: When activating during your Main Phase, you must target an opponent who has more cards in their hand or field than you; All other cards from all fields will be destroyed, then the target player takes no damage for the rest of the turn; If activated during the opponent’s battle phase, you must also target that opponent. That means they would also need to have more cards than you for you to use this effect. Book of Eclipse: When resolving the first effect, you will flip all monsters from all fields face-down; When resolving the second effect (during the End Phase), you choose an opponent to have all their cards flipped and draw; The other opponents will keep their cards face down and won’t draw. Arcana Triumph Joker: Gains 500 ATK for the total amount of cards in all player’s hands; When using the ignition effect, you must also target a player to have their cards destroyed. Other players are not affected. Ojama King: When blocking the monster zones, you need to target 3 zones from the same opponent. This is due to non-targeting rules combined with the wording tied to card selection (“do x with 1 card on each field”), similar to Guardian Chimera, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying. Mystic Mine: This card consists of two separate continuous effects with conditions, so each will be applied separately; Each opponent that controls more monsters than you won’t be able to activate monster effects or declare an attack; If at least one opponent controls fewer monsters than you, you won’t be able to activate monster effects or declare an attack.

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